Story of Aloven Team

The whole story is about a girl who had 2 siblings which makes her backstory tragic and she tries to suppress her brother's actions so she will get revenge on him for what he did to her sister, she will never process/accept it. She was born in New York and still lives there. She is a member of a detachment that fights for peace and searches for new wearers from generation to generation who will protect the Aloven Team from everything. The pattern under their eyes indicates that they are wearer
All three were raised in wealthy family. Their parents had a fairly strict set of rules, excellence was mandatory for everyone, so that they could go anywhere to study and achieve their goals.
Only 2 of the 3 could meet this requirement and the 3rd person who didn't was called Boxofon. He had everything, but unfortunately he was never as smart as his brothers, he was constantly envious of them because his sisters were not physically abused like he was. That's why one day, when no one was at home, he just wished that everyone in the family would die, and the next day it was in the news that his parents had died in an accident, which inspired him to think it was time to kill his sisters. . so one day he grabbed a knife and gouged out Tuerriti's right eye, but luckily for Tuerriti, Wyder came to his aid at that moment.
- All this happened when they were young.
- Here in the story, the time is different: because 300-year-olds are considered old and most of them are 160-180 years old by the end of the story.
Someone who is 160 years old is 16, but 300 is considered 80 years old!
-Basically, the entire story takes place in the United States and everything in Japan, including: New York, Tokyo.
-Aloven Team is the main group, divided into 4 parts
- Gariliti-
This is how the aloven team was created:
The Founder was the one who created the Aloven team to bring peace to earth, but unfortunately it didn't work normally because some people didn't like it, so they rebelled against it, so he had to create wearers to protect it. this wear from generation to generation.
Many people wanted to capture and take possession of the Aloven Team, but the Founder did not allow this at any cost, so he had to hide all information about him so that they would not be found, but no one has found him yet, they only believe that a in a cave, where you can also find the legendary dragon..
It happened 1 billion years ago and researchers still want to find out who he really was and what his intentions were.
According to many, he would have been the salvation of the earth, who would have brought a better generation to the earth, according to others, he was the monster who could have founded all this.
Every 10,000 years he selects the wearers of the Founder, always choosing those who have a noble heart and will do everything for the people to save them.
So far, the Founder has managed to find about 6 wearers, all of whom fought honorably to never receive it.
The names of these people are:
1. Neko
2. Mifuro
3. Hinko
4. Kankeni
5. Wyder
And the last person alive who would do anything not to try to get it would be Tuerriti.
These were all people who sacrificed their lives for others.
However, they also had a rule that showed that you can only die when you are old, because until then they try to defend themselves with all their might, and whoever dies in the meantime is chained and thoroughly tortured.
Only one man met this fate: Wyder.
the 3 siblings