Characters description

Meet Kahuro!
He's a male
he's an archer, and when he shot dragons come out of the arrow. thats his power.
He likes butterflies, and he's friendly!
He hates mirrors. cause it always shows his bad side cause if he doesnt eat his pills he can get a lil bit wild
He loves to help!
His language is Japan, but he speaks english by now
He loves japan lamps!
Hes strong. But not that REALLY strong, he always trys his best!
He loved Wyder, he always wanted to meet her
He's 169 years old
He's 225 centimeters
He loves music alot :D
Art: by Tuerriti
Oc: By Broken.

Enemy Teams references

Wearers references

és persze még ide tartozik Tuerriti és Wyder, mert ők is viselők lettek az alapító által.
the time master's reference

Unfortunately, I can't show the rest properly, because there is no proper reference for them yet, but there is a platform where there are drawings of them, as well as some descriptions of what they look like and what you can do.
To be able to open this link, you have to copy it and paste it into google